Let’s see what your Spirit Guides want you to hear today…I will be shaking up a box of charms and will include the one that I am drawn to for each card as a little extra and fun guidance. 

Need a little more inspiration today?  Head over to my blog to get a reminder “Your perspective is the key to the outcome of your life” – It is important to know that you can find COMFORT even in the middle of uncertainty.

CARD A – You are being reminded to listen to your Intuition.  If you allow it, your Intuition will be your co-pilot in life.  Pay attention to your emotions and strive for higher vibrating/positive emotions.  CHARM:  SUN – Put on a sunny face.  Don’t allow the stress of the day to overshadow your happiness.  Once you feel a negative emotion, move through it, release it and then focus on something that makes you happy.

CARD B – When you are respectful of yourself, others will be respectful to you.  You get the treatment you ask for from others.  Everyone is worthy of happiness in this physical realm.  Reach deep inside and allow your Higher Spirit to comfort you and remind you of your worth.  CHARM:  CAPTAIN WHEEL – Your Higher Spirit is your co-pilot.  You need to remember this and allow it to navigate you through life.  Push your ego to the backseat.

CARD C – You are in a transformative stage.  It is important to use this moment to your highest good.  You can achieve a lot of growth that will propel you forward in life in a bright, positive way.  CHARM:  VIRGO:  The main trait of the Virgo sign is hard work.  If you put in the work during this phase, you will reap many benefits when you finally spread your wings to fly.

peace and love always ~ Laura