love, rage, mourning


What holds you back in life?  Your fear, worry and control hold you back.  But just as powerful as fear, worry and control is hope, love and belief.  Hope gives your strength.  Love gives your comfort.  Belief propels you forward.   Release your fears.  Release your worries.  Release your control.  Hold on to your dreams.  Hold on to life.  Hold on to hopes.  Hold on to wishes.  Don’t worry about a thing. 

Allow the river of life to take you and don’t fear where you are headed.   Fear can be debilitating.  My mother was a great teacher of fear.  She ingrained fear in me from a young age.  I don’t blame her for this, but wish I hadn’t been given fear from a young age.  But….what doesn’t kill you, can make you stronger!  While I have struggled with fear-based thoughts throughout my life, I have learned to navigate through my fears.  One of the ways that I overcome fear is through meditation and positive thoughts.  Meditation is an excellent tool to calm and ground you.  The act of focusing on your breath is a great stabilizer.  I meditate every morning to ground me and prepare me for the upcoming day’s stress.

asia, boys, cambodia

A partner to fear is worry.  Worry is a great robber.  It robs you of your happiness in the NOW.  I, myself, am a natural born worrier and I spend a lot of time overcoming my old habit.  It’s not something that can be quickly overcome but IT CAN be overcome.  It is only impossible to overcome worry if you don’t try and if you don’t believe.   So, how can you get past this old habit?  By creating a new habit and being mindful of when the worry creeps up on you.

Every time I catch myself worrying about something which is ALWAYS beyond my control, I immediately remind myself that it is beyond my control and that I need to release the worry.  It usually doesn’t disappear quickly, but this starts the journey.  My old and unwanted friend “WORRY” loves me and loves living inside of my head.  He is comfortable there and he loves to make me feel uncomfortable.  Once I make the initial goodbye and tell myself to release worry, it begins to slowly disappear.  My focus becomes less and less.  When I am releasing worry, I focus on something that makes me feel better.  I think of something that puts a smile on my face and makes me feel comforted.  I talk to myself rationally and keep reminding myself that the only control I have is overcoming the thoughts of worry.  Worry tries to stick his head back in the door, but I just keep pushing the door shut until….he is gone.  It is a constant battle, but I am winning!

fantasy, storm, surreal

Control, like worry and fear, is also an unwanted friend of mine. I like to be in control of situations. But, when I try to control situations, they often end up not as good as they could have been and they end up making me feel stressed out, worried, and out of control.  So, like worry, I work regularly on releasing my control issues. I remind myself that I cannot control 99% of life. All I CAN control is how I REACT to life and the experiences I live. When I remember this, it makes it easier to release my grip and let go of the urge to control aspects of my life that I have no control over.

Your fear can paralyze you.  Your worries can hold you back.  Your control can take you down the wrong road.  Your hope, belief, and actions will propel you forward.  You are the Captain of your ship.  Allow your Higher Spirit, the voice of your Intuition, to be the Co-Captain.  Push your Ego out of the way and allow your Higher Spirit to guide you.  Thrive in your NOW.  Once you push past FEAR, WORRY AND CONTROL, all that is left is HOPE, LOVE AND BELIEF.


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