The Art of Positive Thinking is very powerful and it really is the ultimate way to live your life. When you are positive, it naturally uplifts you and you will attract positive experiences to your life. If you are not a naturally positive person or your negative thought pattern is deep-seeded, don’t despair. You can train yourself to see the best in all situations, but you will need to practice on a continual basis until it becomes an automatic way of thinking.
Most of us have adopted a negative thought pattern that began in the early stages of life. These negative thought patterns became ingrained in the brain by repeated experiences and words from others that continuously drummed them into the brain until the thoughts became beliefs. Once they became beliefs, they became an integral part of the psyche that affects every aspect of life. Therefore, it is harder to create a positive mindset, because you will have to break an old thought pattern and create a new one. It is not impossible but it will take time. It is 100% possible to achieve, but you will have to catch yourself many, many times in your negative thought pattern, and then you will have to turn to a positive thought repetitively to eventually transform the pattern.
We learn to believe what we continue to think. If you think about something long enough, it becomes a belief. So, just the way the negative thought process became a habit and then a belief, it can be reversed with time, effort, repetition and persistence.
The process for improvement goes like this. First, you need to be aware of your thoughts and feelings at all times. This will force you to be mindful and in the moment. You need to notice when a thought or feeling is negative or when that little voice inside of you starts to talk negatively to you. Once you recognize this, then just pause. Stop what you are doing and pause, then place your focus on your breath for a few moments. Take long slow deep inhales and exhales. This exercise will ground you and raise your focus level to a new height.
Next, you will then place your focus on something positive and happy to think about. It would help in the beginning to have a prewritten list of things, moments and experiences or people that make you happy and refer to this list when you feel the negative thought creeping in. Carry the list with you so you always have it to refer to. Keep your focus on this list until you notice a great shift into a positive thought that creates a positive, happy and peaceful feeling inside of you. Repeat this process as often and as necessary throughout your day. This process is also good to practice when you are angry, stressed or frustrated. Just follow the same protocol.
Changing a thought process isn’t easy, but it is also not impossible. It takes patience, time and practice to achieve a positive thought process. Once you get into the habit, you will notice a shift in your life as you master turning your thoughts and your actions into positive ones.