flowers, growing, winter


Don’t allow your insecurities to ruin your life and don’t allow your insecurities to run your life. Everyone has insecurities. There is not one single person on the planet that is perfect and does not have at least one or many more insecurities. The most beautiful woman in the world has at least one insecurity about herself. Her beauty may be undeniable to others and herself, but there is always something that reminds her that she is far from perfect.

In this technological age, the insecurity train has ramped up. Social media apps like Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and TikTok have us craving to be liked for our posts. If we don’t get enough likes, it allows insecurity to creep up. Life online has become a competition of looks and talent. Sadly, the generations that have been born during this era will be suffering a lot more from insecurity than before. They know no different. It is a way of life for them.

marguerite, blossom, bloom

As humans, we are creatures that tend to never be satisfied, but in this dissatisfaction, there is the birth of the desire for improvement. Improvement is the practice of consciously evolving through growth and you can turn your insecurities into opportunities for growth. Growth is a natural process, but to deliberately grow is to consciously evolve. Do not let your insecurities bring you down, allow them to lift you up.

When you are beginning to focus on something that you want to improve because it makes you feel insecure, turn your focus onto the opportunity for change rather than the insecurity itself. You don’t have to settle for how things are. You have the power to change anything you do not like. You have to be mindful in the moment that you are insecure and have the determination to strategize how you will improve and grow through that moment. You can make your insecurities your driving force for self-improvement instead of failure.