When you find yourself uncomfortable about a situation, it is important to look within and reach your Higher self. Your Higher Self/Intuition will come forward and give you the loving reassurance you need to move forward courageously through any situation. Follow your Intuition.
When you are listening to your Ego, failure is the biggest threat. Your Ego is the one that tells you that you aren’t good enough, or you aren’t prepared enough, or you don’t know enough. Your Ego is good at feeding into your insecurities. It claims to ground you, but, in reality, it is your Higher Self that grounds you and keeps you at peace.
Whenever you are upset, uncertain, afraid, or stressed, look inward to your Higher Self for the peace you seek. The Love and Light of your Higher Self will uplift you with words of encouragement and strength. Within your Higher Self, you will find peace quietly waiting there for you to receive. Amen.