Being aware of the direction you are heading in will offer you much peace and understanding. When you float through life like a bird on the wind, you need to make sure that you are honing in on what it is that you want in life and not just floating along as opportunities go by.
Every day, wake up and make a list of what you want to accomplish in that day. If there is a goal that you want to accomplish that will take a long time to bring to fruition, then every day, take the time to strategize and to write down the steps you will take that day to make you one step closer to your goal coming to life. It isn’t hard. It just takes patience, persistence, and tenacity.
You must have a game plan. You must know what you want and carry the belief that it will come true. Don’t allow negative self-chatter of Ego to talk you out of anything. Don’t allow Ego to make you feel that it will never come to life. Don’t allow Ego to make you feel that you are not worthy.
Reach deep inside to your Higher Self to receive the words of encouragement you need to keep going when you feel like giving up. Listen to the words of your Intuition to tell you which direction to head in. Listen to the loving words of Divine Spirit that are being transmitted to your Higher Self to build you up and give you substance. You can do, be or have whatever you want in this world. Believe. Amen.