Stay true to yourself. Honor yourself. Love yourself. You have a gift to give the world. This gift is the thing that you are most passionate about. It is what resonates the most with you. Don’t give up on your hopes and your dreams.
Don’t allow negative self-chatter to tell you that you will be a failure. Follow through anyways! Work past the voice of Ego in your head that tries to convince you that you don’t know enough or you aren’t smart enough or you can’t do it or you will fail. Move past the voice of Ego that always wants to keep you down.
The voice of Ego comes across as the great protector, but really it is the great bully. Who can bully you better than your Ego? Your Ego can falsely build you up or realistically tear you down.
Reach deep inside and connect with your Higher Spirit which is all loving, pure and positive. Your Higher Spirit receives a constant stream of Love and Light from Divine Spirit. This is where peace lies. Close your eyes. Focus on your breath. Go deep within and find the peace and the confidence that will lead you to your dreams. Amen.