Good communication habits are key to any relationship. It does not matter what type of relationship you are thinking of. Communication needs to flow and grow with each relationship. When you hold back and don’t express yourself out of fear of rejection, distrust, isolation or insecurity, then you are not allowing the relationship to grow in a healthy way. Be open with your thoughts and choose your words carefully and thoughtfully. Come from a place of compassion and sensitivity, especially when discussing something that is aimed at the other person. No judgments. Each person is on their own journey through life and each person has their own experiences that are unique unto them, because of their perspective. No two people perceive an experience the same, even if they each shared the same experience. Perspective is what causes the person to digest the experience and look at it their way based on previous experiences that make up their psyche. Be kind. Love unconditionally. Offer forgiveness. Stay calm. Respect others. Don’t judge. Appreciate life. Love one another. Stay kind. Breathe. Amen.