You can do have or be whatever you want in the physical world. You just have to believe this. It really is this simple. The Ego gets in the way too often and talks you down off the ledge before you have the chance to take a leap. The Ego is good about grounding you and letting you know your possible failures at any given time. Your Ego is your false protector. It is there to falsely pump you up and it is there to bring you down. Your higher self is your savior and your greatest ally. There is a direct connection with Divine Spirit that you have through your higher self and it is constantly receiving pure Love and Light. This pure Love and Light does not think anything negative of you. This pure Love and Light knows that you are as pure as Divine Spirit and can create just like Divine Spirit creates. Push your Ego aside and don’t listen to the negative thoughts it sends you. These are physical based. Instead, tap into your higher self and listen for the messages that uplift you, give you hope, give you guidance and shower you with pure Love and Light. Amen.