
What you hold onto inside of yourself permeates to the outside.  Focus on your emotions.  Focus on your vibration.  Are you vibrating on a high level (happiness, peace, exuberance, excitement, appreciation, vitality, enthusiasm)?  Or are you vibrating on a lower vibration (anger, fear, worry, anxiety, frustration, hopelessness)?  You will attract the people and the situations that match your vibration.  Be careful and be conscious and choose to reach for the vibration that will bring you the desired outcome in the physical world.  All you have to do is connect with your higher self that always vibrates at a high vibration – knows no other way – because your higher self is constantly connected to Divine Spirit – pure Love and Light – and the spiritual realm, which is only pure Love and Light and extremely high vibration.  There is no Ego to get in the way in the spiritual realm.  The human physical characteristic of Ego is what lowers the vibration and allows these lower vibrations to be created.  Meditation on a daily basis will help to train you to reach your higher self on a consistent basis and will

allow you to create an automatic and direct connection at all times and especially when needed.  Pay attention to your vibration.  Pull yourself up onto the ledge when you feel yourself hanging there in a lower vibrational field.  Watch the results of your actions when you stand triumphantly in a higher vibration.  Amen.