Every new day is a blessing and a new beginning. It is another chance to improve, to grow, to learn, to appreciate, to rejoice. We always get a restart button to push with each new day. We get a new chance to get it done better than yesterday. Find appreciation for each and every new day and take advantage of each day to improve yourself. Strive to be a better version of you than you were yesterday.
Make the most of the present moment and the gifts it has to offer: the gift of mindfulness, the gift of presence, the gift of improvement, the gift of attention and focus, and the gift of stillness. Capture this moment in time and make the best use of it as possible. Be present. Living mindfully will create a lot of harmony and appreciation in your life and will help you to avoid unpleasant experiences that are caused by not being mindful and in the moment.

Live in the NOW because this present moment that you are experiencing is your reality. Your reality of yesterday has expired because yesterday is gone. Your reality of tomorrow is just a dream because yesterday has not arrived yet. This moment – NOW – this is your reality and you can guide your way through it effortlessly if you allow your Intuition/Higher Self to guide you.
Take notice. Take advantage. Take action. Don’t allow self-limiting thoughts to hold you back. Those thoughts are lower vibrating thoughts that keep you from excelling and being all that you want to be. Cling to the higher vibrational thoughts that uplift you and bring you to greatness. When you pay attention to your emotions, you are able to control them. When you allow your emotions to “run wild” they cause unnecessary damage. Plainly stated: Chew your words up thoroughly before you spit them out.

I am a very emotional person. I have had a lifetime of “shooting from the hip” and allowing the words fall from my lips without any control or mindfulness. Often, it causes the person I am talking with to take me the wrong way. You see, it was my delivery and my lack of mindfulness that caused unnecessary misunderstandings that led often to the other person getting hurt by my words. It isn’t always easy to be sensitive to the needs and emotions of others, especially during very emotionally moments, but if you can be mindful and choose to control your emotions rather than allowing your emotions to control you, you will find that you can avoid misunderstandings and miscommunication or at the bare minimum, defuse a situation.
We have to learn to listen to others compassionately. Putting yourself in their shoes and allowing yourself to feel what they are perceiving is a good starting point. This approach will ease any anger or disagreements and it will help you to understand each other better which will in turn deepen the relationship. Everyone has their own perspective. No perspective is right or wrong but it is right to the person who is perceiving.
We need to give our time and our advice to others that need it. If we can be charitable in our lives we will find how much it will help our fellow man who is struggling. We are here together to support each other and lift each other up. We need to find ways in our day to day life to offer support and strength to others. We need to be a support system to others who need it. Give advice. Give time. Give energy. Give love.

If we all illuminate our love out unto the world, we will make a difference in the world. We can bring people together for the good of the world. We can create happiness where there is misery. We can light the way for others who are walking in the darkness. There are many people in the world who need gentle guidance and love. If we spread our love upon those that need it: the ones that struggle, the quiet ones, the angry ones, the confused ones, and the lost ones, we can light the path and help them on their life journey.
Many times, we never know what someone is struggling with. Many people hide it well. A kind word, a smile, or a generous action can change a person’s mood, a person’s day, or even a person’s life. Uplift others and be the light in the darkness that leads the way. You can uplift with your words, lift them up when they are down, be a source of wellbeing, be a source of love, and be a lighthouse in the darkness.
We need to be respectful and appreciate each other. We need to show gratitude and have respect for each other. We need to listen and communicate effectively and we need to understand each other. A few kind words will change the world.