October 2019

Rainbow of Life

The world is full of many colors.  The colors represent differences in every shade they possess.  Together they create a vibrant spectrum.  Individually, they represent uniqueness.  Each color is unique upon itself and to others.  These colors are seen in the people, nature, environment, species of planet, and wonders of the world.  Together this spectrum […]

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Let the sun shine

Let the sun shine upon your relationships.  Like the sun is to a flower, you are to your relationships in life.  Cultivation and love must be shown to each relationship in order for it to thrive and grow.  You can’t assume a relationship will grow and deepen just because it is there.  It needs to

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Let the sun shine

Let the sun shine upon your relationships.  Like the sun is to a flower, you are to your relationships in life.  Cultivation and love must be shown to each relationship in order for it to thrive and grow.  You can’t assume a relationship will grow and deepen just because it is there.  It needs to

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You can do have or be whatever you want in the physical world.  You just have to believe this.  It really is this simple.  The Ego gets in the way too often and talks you down off the ledge before you have the chance to take a leap.  The Ego is good about grounding you



Expansion is not necessarily an automatic feature in humans.  Expansion is linked to spiritual ties – your higher-self connected to Divine Spirit – that is somewhat automatic, but must be cultivated to successfully expand.  In simpler terms, you must be willing to put in the work to improve to evolve consciously to expand in order