April 2018


I kept hearing the word “Acceptance” in my head this morning.  “Acceptance”.  “Acceptance”.  “Acceptance”.  Acceptance is much easier in the long run than Avoidance.  Sure…it’s easy to avoid.  It’s a matter of habit.  We have all had the habit of avoidance at one time, or many times, over and over again in our lives.  A […]


Conscious Evolution

Many people go through life on auto pilot.  They allow their thoughts and emotions to arrive and take over automatically without any conscious control of them.  Evolution of a person occurs in the same way.  You have the power to consciously evolve.   It takes a little preparation and practice, but it is necessary to live

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New Beginnings

New beginnings are a way to restart – to begin again.  Wipe the slate clean.  Time to clean up old habits – emotional and physical.  Start with your diet.  Take a good look at your diet and see which areas need to be improved.  You don’t have to do anything drastic.  Making small changes will

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